Project Timeline
Projected timeline for the Alquist Redevelopment. For any questions or concerns not addressed here, email
Where are we now?
2024: The project is undergoing a strategic reevaluation by the university as other capital projects are taking priority and campus capacity.
What is the general timeline for this project?
Fall 2022: campus community outreach; demand surveys; preparation for presentation before the California State University Board of Trustees; beginning of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental impact study process.
Early spring 2023: Conceptual approval by the CSU Board of Trustees.
Summer 2023: Request for qualifications (RFQ).
TBD: Awarding of contracts at the conclusion of the RFP selection process.
TBD: development plan approval by the CSU Board of Trustees; design under way; CEQA complete.
TBD: Design complete; permitting under way.
TBD: Construction under way.
TBD: Construction complete; leasing under way.
How can I get updates?
Sign up for email updates. Email with any and all feedback, questions, concerns, and comments.